Angela's July27
1. What is the "bird's eye view" of YourJuly27 story?
Your pieces got my attention because your story touched me deeper than you ever will know.
You see, in 2010 I got pregnant after trying for 8 years with my husband, which essentially ended in a miscarriage.
On 11/17/10 my world shattered, but my rainbow baby was born exactly 1 year to the day, on 11/17/11.
Amazing isn't the word I use for that...something greater than us was at hand, there.
Then, tragically, I lost my husband 4 years later to a widow maker. My world has been on a Rollercoaster. Your jewelry lets me have a little piece of that back.
I don't talk about the pregnancy and loss much. I had always been taught to be thankful for the good things in your life, but what I didn't realize is that first baby was the rain before the rainbow you can't have one without the other.
2. Do you have a date or set of dates you associate with loss?
November 17th
That date holds the pain of my loss and the joy of my rainbow baby, as they're the same day. Just a year apart.
3. How have you found the joy and determination to keep going in the midst of grief?
The joy and determination comes from knowing that my son is everything that I wanted and needed. In all the grief, he is my strength.
4. How different does your grief look now, almost a decade later?
I still look back now thinking about the "could have's" and I still long to hold the baby that could have been, but I don't think that ever goes away nor do I think I want it to.
I do believe the hurt and grief make you stronger and make you love harder.
I am just happy if my story helps someone. The disappointment, frustration and sadness that comes with a loss is devastating, but to know someone else went through it and survived and grew through it is so helpful.
We tried for 8 years, so the loss just about broke me.
I still remember that ER visit like it was yesterday. So many years ago, but when something so precious is taken away you can't forget.